Damien Metzler's blog Java Architect in the Cloud

A Nuxeo Immutable Image

Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

Immutable Infrastructure

In the DevOps culture, you may often hear about immutable infrastructure. This describes an infrastructure where deployments are reproducible and immutable: if executed twice, it should give the same result. It is important because it guarantees that a given deployment leads to only one given state.

For instance, when the underlying infrastructure needs to be changed (think of a disk failure), it is easy to redeploy our application on a new machine. Another use is when we detect that the application has been compromised, we can just shut down the actual deployment, and run a new one. And finally, when for whatever reason a team decides to rollback the application to a former state, immutable deployments are super useful. There are plenty of other uses cases where immutable deployment are super helpful and it’s one of the reasons why pods and replicasets are immutable in kubernetes for instance.

At Nuxeo, we have been providing a Docker image for a very long time: they are often seen as a good way to provide immutable infrastructure. However, the driver has very often been to make the image super configurable at runtime. We provide lots of ways to provide configuration which makes it a non immutable image. Look for instance at this command:

# docker run -e NUXEO_PACKAGES="-s my-package" nuxeo:10.10

This allows running a Nuxeo 10.10 Docker image in which we will install the snapshot version of my-package which can change over time. We also execute every shell script that is present in the docker-entrypoint-initnuxeo.d which allows doing pretty much everything we want in the container. From an immutable infrastructure perspective, it’s definitely not gonna help!

Identifying The Source Of Configuration

From the beginning of Nuxeo, it was very clear that we wanted to put as much configuration that we can in the application artifact by itself. That’s why we have extension points that allow to define schemas, types, workflows etc… and package them as a Java JAR. This part is immutable.

But there are some configuration needs remaining that we cannot put inside those artifacts because they can change depending on various factors:

  • The custom JARs, that define their own custom types or automation operation etc…
  • The Nuxeo packages that we want to install (Drive, S3 binary manager etc…)
  • The templates that we want to activate (to enable Redis for instance)
  • Some environment type specific properties: you probably don’t want to use the same SAML endpoint between your dev and prod environments, but you probably want to use the same for all development environments.
  • What we call bindings configuration: the addresses and credentials to access the underlying backends (MongoDB, Elasticsearch….)
  • Some specific configuration like JAVA_OPTS or NUXEO_CLID

We want to sort this configuration in two types:

  • properties that are immutable and should be part of the deployed artifact
  • properties that are totally dependent on the environment in which they are deployed (DB bindings for instance) and that we agree to make it mutable.

Nuxeo Packaging System For Immutable Configuration

Nuxeo packages are a good way to bundle different sources of configuration. The JAR that we want to deploy can be packaged, and the manifest can reference versioned dependencies. With this definitions, we can easily package JARs and dependent packages.

Nuxeo packages also allow to declare templates, in which we can include other templates. Some installation directives also allow to add a given template to the nuxeo.templates property of the configuration file.

We will then use the Nuxeo packaging sytem to bundle those configuration source and install them in a new Docker image:

FROM nuxeo:10.10

RUN /docker-entrypoint.sh nuxeoctl mp-init && \
    /docker-entrypoint.sh $NUXEO_HOME/bin/nuxeoctl mp-install my-package-2.3.4

After this, we have an image in which we have new JARs installed in our bundles directory, an additional template brought by the Nuxeo package and an updated nuxeo.conf that uses that template.

The fact that nuxeo.conf has been updated is super important here. It means that some state (the list of additional templates) has been persisted to nuxeo.conf. For that reason, we’ll have to keep that nuxeo.conf all over our deployment. We now only can append configuration to it.

Environment Type Based Configuration

Some configurations are really part of the application, but their value may differ given the environment you are dealing with. We mentioned SAML endpoint but let’s just look at the org.nuxeo.dev=true that obviously needs to be enabled only for dev environments.

No mechanism in Nuxeo allows to do that out of the box. However, the templating system refers to a nuxeo.defaults that is included in nuxeo.conf when the template is activated. defaults stands for default values and we want to provide specific values for dev, so let’s create a nuxeo.dev file in our template that will contain our specific development property.

Now, let’s say that at runtime we define a $NUXEO_ENVIRONMENT environment variable that we set to dev. A simple script like the following can append our nuxeo.dev file to the nuxeo.defaults:

# Adding environment specific variables
if [ -n "$NUXEO_ENVIRONMENT" ]; then
  pushd $NUXEO_HOME/templates > /dev/null
  find . -name nuxeo.$NUXEO_ENVIRONMENT  | awk -F'/' '{print $2}' | while read i; do
    echo "Appending specific [$NUXEO_ENVIRONMENT] environment configuration from template $i"
    cat ./$i/nuxeo.$NUXEO_ENVIRONMENT >> ./$i/nuxeo.defaults ;
  popd > /dev/null

Because we want our image to be immutable, we can decide to get rid of the docker-entrypoint-initnuxeo.d feature and just hard code a configure.sh script in there to make it work.

Binding The Backends Stores

The adresses and credentials of every backend store (DB, Elasticsearch, S3 etc…) are very specific to each deployment. That’s a legitimate reason to have specific configuration here.

A direct reaction would be to generate a nuxeo.conf by the automation and mount it in docker-entrypoint-initnuxeo.d. Unfortunately, we cannot do that anymore because we decided to hard copy our shell script above in it, but more importantly because of the nuxeo.conf that is in our baked image contains the state of all installed packages and specifically the nuxeo.templates property that has been modified by the various other packages installations.

The solution I found is to create a /etc/nuxeo/conf.d/ folder in which we can put files that will be appended to nuxeo.conf at runtime. It allows to have one file per backend, for instance 20-mongodb.conf would contain:


We can handle the copy of those file by the same configure.sh script that we used earlier:

# Handling /etc/nuxeo/conf.d/
find /etc/nuxeo/conf.d/ -type f | while read i;  do
  echo "Adding $i to $NUXEO_CONF"
  cat $i >> $NUXEO_CONF

In a Kubernetes based environment, those files can be mounted from secrets exposed by the various backends.

Other Configuration?

With all the mechanisms that we put in place above, we covered pretty much every configuration use case of the Nuxeo platform. There are two environment variables that are configuration and that we will keep as mutable configuration:

  • NUXEO_CLID: it can be seen as a binding but cannot be configured thru nuxeo.conf so we keep it here. It doesn’t have any real visible effect on the application anyway.
  • JAVA_OPTS: unfortunately, as it is read by the nuxeoctl client before templates are evaluated, we cannot use the template mechanism to configure it. As it’s mainly to configure the JVM Heap Size, I would set it by default to something using the -XX:MaxRAMFraction=2 options of the JVM (see https://medium.com/adorsys/jvm-memory-settings-in-a-container-environment-64b0840e1d9e) to get a dynamic configuration based on the container CGroups limits.


With all those conventions, and apart from the 2 last 2 environment variables, we now don’t need any additional configuration. The good news is that we now don’t have to maintain a full nuxeo.conf file for each environment, it’s all included in our image.

An alternative to this is to bake one single image for each environment that contains every single piece of configuration. If the idea seems interesting, it doesn’t allow you to promote the same image across every environment because there will always be a build needed to include configuration. It also add a constraint of rebuilding the image when some password is changing of some key are rotated!

Those hacks allow to transform the generic official 10.10 image into an immutable deployment ready image. Of course it still contains the remaining parts that allow to mute it (think about NUXEO_PACKAGES), but it’s a real step forward that will help you keeping the application configuration in just one place.
